Avoiding the High Cost of (Wine) Education


Anyone who has ever sat in gridlock on the 405, or even just hit I-80 at the wrong time of day, has in the very least considered the merits of becoming a small airplane pilot.  When I investigated this possibility however, a friend of mine who in fact is such a pilot estimated that his training had taken seven years, over 1,500 flight hours and cost around $45K.  So as much as I hate Dodge Street at 5:30, if the alternative costs $45K, I’m just going to have to get used to it.

And so it can be with wine as well. A well-credentialed friend of mine who runs a local wine bar estimates that in the past three years alone, he’s spent well over $10,000 honing his palate, tasting and learning his way into the industry, often drinking juice that’s as old or older than he is. But what about the rest of us? [read more]*

*Full articles are located at http://fsmomaha.com and will open in a new browser window.

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